Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Intro To OAK Etheric Warrior Training

    • Metaphysics and the Periodic Table of the Elements

    • New Astral Chart of the Elements Integrated With Hermetic Kabbalah

    • Connection to Gaia Meditation

    • Atlantis Rediscovered and Walk-ins

    • Module 1 Reveiw

  • 02

    Connecting To The Light-Initiation

    • Connecting To The Light- Initiation

    • Connection to the Light Meditation

    • OAK Energy Ball Meditation

    • How Can You Know What Is Best For Me?

    • Assertiveness Training

    • Module 2 Review

  • 03

    The Importance of Self Esteem and a Strong Ego

    • The Importance of Self Esteem and a Strong Ego

    • 3rd Eye Meditation

    • When I Was A Child

    • A New Quantum Leap For Humanity

    • The Communication Cycle

    • Module 3 Review

  • 04

    Releasing Toxins and Clearing Energy Channels

    • Releasing Toxins And Clearing Energy Channels

    • Throat Chakra Meditation

    • As A Youth

    • Which Gods and Godesses Spoke to Ancient Bicameral Man?

    • Verb Matching

    • Module 4 Review

  • 05

    The Importance of the Heart Center

    • The Importance of the Heart Center in Magick

    • Module 5 Heart Meditation

    • As A Man

    • Are Extraterrestrials Really Alien Ghosts?

    • Beginning Conversations/Ending Conversations

    • Module 5 Review

  • 06

    Mental Projection and opening the Solar Plexus Center

    • Mental Projection and opening the Solar Plexus Center

    • Module 6 Opening Solar Plexus Meditation

    • Male Mystery Schools-Neophyte

    • Female Mystery Schools-Neophyte

    • Sexual Alchemy-Neophyte

    • Module 6 Review

  • 07

    The Physical Body and the Sacral Center

    • The Physical Body and the Sacral Center

    • Sacral Center Meditation

    • Male Mystery Schools-Zelator

    • Female Mystery Schools-Zelator

    • Sexual Alchemy-Zelator

    • Module 7 Review

  • 08

    The Etheric Body and the Root Chakra

    • The Etheric Body and the Root Chakra

    • Root Chakra Meditation

    • Male Mystery Schools-Philosophus

    • Female Mystery Schools-Philosophus

    • Sexual Alchemy-Philosophus

    • Module 8 Reveiw

  • 09

    The Earth Star Chakra and Collective Reality

    • The Earth Star Chakra and Collective Reality

    • Earth Star Chakra Meditation

    • Male Mystery School-Adeptus Minor

    • Female Mystery Schools-Adeptus Minor

    • Sexual Alchemy-Adeptus Minor

    • Module 9 Review

  • 10

    The Source-Gaia Connection

    • The Source-Gaia Connection

    • Final Energy Ball Meditation

    • Male Mystery Schools-Adeptus Major

    • Female Mystery Schools-Adeptus Major

    • Sexual Alchemy-Adeptus Major

    • Module 10 Review

  • 11

    Introduction to Astral Projection

    • Introduction to Astral Projection

    • Your First Out of Body Projection!

    • Male Mystery Schools-Adeptus Exemptus

    • Female Mystery Schools-Adeptus Exemptus

    • Sexual Alchemy-Adeptus Exemptus

    • Module 11 Review

  • 12

    Astral Projection- A Neighborhood Journey

    • Astral Projection- A Neighborhood Journey

    • A Neighborhood Journey-Astral Projection Meditation

    • Male Mystery Schools-Magister Templi

    • Female Mystery Schools-Magister Templi

    • Sexual Alchemy-Magister Templi

    • Module 12 Review

  • 13

    Create Your Own Astral Journey

    • Create Your Own Astral Journey

    • Create Your Own Astral Journey Meditation

    • Male Mystery Schools-Magus

    • Female Mystery Schools-Magus

    • Sexual Alchemy-Magus

    • Module 13 Reveiw

  • 14

    The Womb of Creation and Akashic Records

    • The Womb of Creation and Akashic Records

    • Womb of Creation and Akashic Records Meditation

    • Male Mystery Schools-Ipsissimus

    • Female Mystery Schools-Ipsissimus

    • Sexual Alchemy-Ipsissimus

    • Module 14 Review

    • OAK Tantric Class